General ImgLib2 Resources
Video Lectures
- Albert Cardona - Fast scripting with ImgLib2 in Fiji’s Script Editor
- Stephan Saalfeld - Large data lazy processing with ImgLib2 and CLIJ2
Learning ImgLib2 discussions at
- Publication : Tobias Pietzsch, Stephan Preibisch, Pavel Tomančák, Stephan Saalfeld, ImgLib2—generic image processing in Java, Bioinformatics, Volume 28, Issue 22, November 2012, Pages 3009–3011,
- See also BigDataViewer Resources
- nta.kt (Saalfeld lab) The nta.kt library brings n-dimensional transformation and algebra to Kotlin. It combines the expressive power and flexibility of the Java image processing library ImgLib2 with the convenience and clarity that Kotlin language features provide.
- imglib2-trainable-segmentation (random forests) (Matthias Arzt, DAIS project) The repository shows example programs for segmentation of 2D and 3D images using random forests. One only needs to provide an input image and its (segmentation) labeling.